
[DatePicker] DatePicker and TimePicker render differently

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Consider following snippet:

<div className={styles.formRow}>
    <TextField label="Input" className={styles.textFieldShort} />
    <DatePicker label="Date" className={styles.textFieldShort} />
    <TimePicker label="Time" className={styles.textFieldShort} />

and styles:

.formRow {
    display: flex;

.textFieldShort {
    flex: 1;

this is how it renders:
zrzut ekranu 2017-08-16 o 15 26 28

after checking why, the reason seems to be, that TimePicker is wrapped with <div> element and the classes added to it are actually added to this <div>'s child , not the <div> itself, while in DatePicker, those are added to the most outer element in render():


return (
    <div style={prepareStyles(Object.assign({}, style))}>


return (
    <div className={className} style={prepareStyles(Object.assign({}, style))}>

This results in the <div> getting the flex behaviour in case of TimePicker, not the element with all styling like in case of DatePicker:

zrzut ekranu 2017-08-16 o 15 35 49


  • Material-UI: 0.18.3
  • React: 15.6.1
  • Browser: Google Chrome 60.0.3112.90

Workaround: use styles instead of className for TimePicker, as those are appended to the outer <div>.

Closing for #4787