How to set it up so that it can be connected directly without pairing?
cyub opened this issue · 1 comments
cyub commented
I want to use the go-bluetooth package to configure wifi (WiFi setup over BLE). When operating our app, a pairing pop-up window always pops up. How to connect the ble device directly without popping up the pairing pop-up window. Our ble device driver uses bluez5.63. Can anyone give some advice?
cyub commented
I found that when using btmgmt to set pairable to false after Advertise, the central device, such as a mobile phone, etc., can no longer pop up the pairing window. This will solve the problem. The code example is as follows:
options := service.AppOptions{
AdapterID: adapterID,
AgentCaps: agent.CapNoInputNoOutput,
UUIDSuffix: "-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
UUID: "1234",
a, err := service.NewApp(options)
if err != nil {
return err
defer a.Close()
ancel, err := a.Advertise(timeout)
if err != nil {
return err
btmgmt := hw.NewBtMgmt(adapterID)