
Media Play Pause icon never disappear

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
The media play pause icon shows up and never disappear after click play/pause button on my headphone.

Version: v2.0.0-alpha2

To Reproduce
A. My bluetooth headphone

  1. Click play/pause button on my headphone
  2. The play/pause icon shows up and never disappear

B. Use Win + L instead (I guess it's the same issue)

  1. Click Win + L
  2. Unlock the screen
  3. The icons are still there

Expected behavior
The icon should disappear after click.
Or at least it can disappear after a certain timeout, if we just can't catch the key release event.

pause, win, L

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Windows 11 Build 22635.3570

Additional context

  • Headphone: OnePlus Buds Pro2

Maybe we could add a timeout to force the icon to disappear. For example, after a single press, the key is displayed for up to 2 seconds, and then slowly fades out.
This can alleviate the problem of the key not disappearing, and has little impact on real long presses.

Yeah, that's a know bug. Will figure out a way around the same in the next release.