
Shared java project that depends on mule libaries

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, we have multiple Mule projects, and have created a shared project that contains utilities - some of which are dependent on Mule libraries. The Gradle file for this shared project look like this:

dependencies {
    compile project(':Shared')

    compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-lang3', version: '3.3.2'
    compile group: 'javax.activation', name: 'activation', version: '1.1'
    compile group: '', name: 'stax-api', version: '1.0-2'
    compile group: 'log4j', name: 'apache-log4j-extras', version: '1.2.17'
    compile group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents', name: 'httpclient', version: '4.5'
    compile group: 'commons-httpclient', name: 'commons-httpclient', version: '3.1'

eclipse.classpath.file {
    withXml { provider ->
        def root = provider.asNode()
        root.appendNode('classpathentry', [kind: 'con', path: 'MULE_RUNTIME', exported: 'true'])

As you can see, I've forced Anypoint Studio to reference the MULE_RUNTIME container. This is 100% - the projects are referenced as expected, and Anypoint does not try to treat the common project as a Mule app. This also runs and deploys 100% through Anypoint Studio.
Below is the project structure;

  • esb is a mule project
  • ESBCommon is our shared project with Mule-enhancing utilities
  • Shared is a normal java project with no Mule dependencies

anypoint studio project structure

Problem comes in when we try to build through Gradle, the project (understandably) can't find any of the Mule dependencies. Can you suggest a way to include the Mule dependencies for the gradle build?

I'm trawling through your Gradle plugin, code, but suspect it will be some time before i understand enough of Gradle plugins, and the mechanisms of this project.


hi! I was thinking on configuring it like a mule embedded project, however this will make your dependencies compile time, and you don't want that. So the only option I can think of, is to use the provided compile scope.

Having all mule dependencies as provided would actually be a good idea to build a project type to build mule patches or core extensions, however this is not something I officially plan to do.

Take a look at how I create the provided compile scope and you may get some inspiration.


And here:

hi Juan, thanks for the very quick response. So i just tried this:

configurations {
    providedCompile.visible = false
    compile.extendsFrom providedCompile

apply plugin: 'mule-dependencies'

Since your mule-dependencies plugin does use the providedCompile configuration when available.
This gets the Gradle build working (as in, i can compileJava on ESBCommon now), but breaks running the master mule app through - i.e. when i re-gen my .project and .classpath with gradle cleanEclipse eclipse, and try to run my app.

My problem is, i don't know how to tell gradle about explicit mule dependencies, since it was always hidden behind the mule plugin. Maybe inspiration i need it your mechanism for resolving Mule dependencies.

A nasty jack would be to use gradle-dependencies, and manipulate the .classpath thereafter, so Studio is not confused.

Included Studio's breakage log, incase you're interested.
Anypoint Studio Run