Add toJSON?
alanshaw opened this issue · 5 comments
If I JSON.stringify(multiaddr('/ip4/'))
I get "{\"buffer\":{\"type\":\"Buffer\",\"data\":[4,127,0,0,1]}}"
should it be '/ip4/' instead?
isn't that what you get from toString()?
yes, should the JSON representation be the same?
Not sure. JSON can provide more information than a String, i.e it could have a toJSON that already divided the multiaddr into tuples
There's no info missing in the string representation though...other than "I am a multiaddr", but neither representation says this atm.
Right now JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(multiaddr('/ip4/')))
is not a valid multiaddr (not machine or human readable), but if toJSON
returned '/ip4/' then it would be a valid, human readable multiaddr, and I could also do this:
Of note, if you give a multiaddr to IPFS config then bad things happen because a stringified multiaddr is saved to a JSON config file and read out as something it's not.
new IPFS({
config: {
Addresses: { Swarm: [multiaddr('...')] }
Added in 6.0.6