Maybe the dataset problem
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Hello,author!I encountered the following problem. I am not clear about the specific contents of the files in the "./data "directory. I am looking forward to your reply, thank you very much!
The specific error is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 242,in
File "" ,line 214,in main
datasets = [build_dataset(]
File "/home/wit/mzp/ConvNeXtFF-main/mmseg/datasets/", line 85,in build_datasetdataset = build_from_cfg(cfg,DATASETS,default_args)
File "/home/wit/miniconda/envs/ConWeXtF/Lio/python3.7/site-packages/mcv/utils/",line 72,in build_from_efgraise type(e)(f'{}: {e}')
The training dataset is organized in the VOCdevkit format, which includes subdirectories such as ImageSets, JPEGImages, and SegmentationClass. These directories should contain images, annotation information, etc., with their paths correctly specified in the configuration file. Based on the error message and the details you've provided, here are the recommended aspects to check: verify the correctness of image paths, ensure the image formats are appropriate, confirm the accuracy of annotation information, and check the proper loading of the MyDataset class. Additionally, make sure your environment's version is compatible with the requirements.