
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' due to null value _lodash2.default.forEach

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hello Multinerd,

When we try to get the solution working we stumble across the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' due to null value _lodash2.default.forEach

Can you advise how to fix this?

Kind regards,

Can you share your code (or a snippet) reproducing the problem.

Hello Multinerd,

Thanks. Attached my Html. I used your code.

Kind regards,

Here the error message in the console.


You need to include formio.js

<!-- put these in <head></head> -->
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>

<!-- this must come BEFORE formioexport.js -->
<script src=''></script> 
<script src="formio-export.min.js"></script>

Hello Multinerd,

Great that covered the error message No. 1.
The other one is: Uncaught ReferenceError: FormioExport is not defined

Any advise on that?

Kind regards,

Hmm, i was not able to reproduce that error with the code you provided.

Can you give this a try.


Hello Multinerd,

Great. This solved it and I got the pdf download. Thanks a lot.
Did you update the code source also?

Kind regards,

The files i provided was from a clean build from my source. I could be wrong but i believe you were using the compiled version from (i was not able to get this to work, hence my fork)

I updated the repo to include the lib folder (compiled) + demo.html

OK. I did not do a build. I supposed the builds were in the source. My bad.

Thanks for the help and for the quick response. Is appreciated.

Just for your information: I am integrating formio in the Salesforce platform and possibly later in Sharepoint. If you would like to know more about this then just let me know. OK?

Kind regards,

Glad I can help. I'll be closing this issue now.

Feel free to open another issue if you have one, but you should know I do not plan on adding new features. You can try your luck with the original developer, though he seems to be MIA.

Original Dev: