
[BUG] Elrond testnet Docker image not available as described in the documentation

miohtama opened this issue · 1 comments

elrondnetwork/elrond-go-node-testnet does not work as described in the documentation

There is no latest tag on Docker hub.


Thus, the testnet node cannot be installed as instructed.

[~/code/rosetta-chain/chains/elrond/node]% docker-compose up 
Creating network "node_default" with the default driver
Pulling elrond (elrondnetwork/elrond-go-node-testnet:latest)...
ERROR: manifest for elrondnetwork/elrond-go-node-testnet:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Hello miohtama!

Thank you for your feedback.
You are right ! We are working on it.

"latest" tag on testnet docker image will be available soon.
For the moment please take manually the latest tag available : T1.2.12.0
Thank you !