Missing dependency GLMHighlighterTextStylerDecorator in Pharo 9
Closed this issue · 7 comments
When loading I found that GLMHighlighterTextStylerDecorator has been removed in Pharo 9
The workaround was to ignore the error and return nil to continue loading.
This worked for me as I just needed the core serialisation to convert objects from VisualWorks.
Thanks for this functionality - saved me a heap of "reentry"!
Thank you for your report.
The warning is probably related to the prerequisite XMLParser. I'll fix it soon.
Now close the issue. Please let me know if there any problems.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure Objectivity/Smalltalk is still supported by Objectivity/DB.
It had nice declarative relationships support, and I liked it a lot. However, it did not gain popularity.
If you are looking for a graph database, Neo4j will be a good candidate.
I've developed some connectors for Pharo.
https://github.com/mumez/Neo4reSt (REST connector)
https://github.com/mumez/SCypherGraph (FFI connector)
Neo4reSt would be easily ported to VW, since it only relies on http client.
If you prefer more orthgonal persistence, I recommend GemStone/S.
Now they offer a starter plan, and it is enough for small applications.