
Harmless error checking doesn't quite match

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Hello, I've recently got the following error which couldn't be recovered:

[DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-eksctl_v0.15.1: 2021/02/26 12:26:09 Checking if this is a harmless error while deleting missing fargateprofile: error is "Error: couldn't refresh role arn: no output \"FargatePodExecutionRoleARN\" in stack \"eksctl-blackgate-cluster\"", checking against "Error: no output \"FargatePodExecutionRoleARN\" in stack \"eksctl-blackgate-cluster\""

Seems like you're checking for a slightly different error than the one that's being passed in.

Isn't it fine to simply check for no output \"FargatePodExecutionRoleARN\" in stack?