
Does not display users in "All Messages"

amna-kamran opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. Something is missing in app.blade.layout for chatify under the {{-- ---------------- [ User Tab ] ---------------- --}}

<p class="messenger-title"><span>All Messages</span></p> <div class="listOfContacts" style="width: 100%;height: calc(100% - 272px);position: relative;"></div> within this code.

  1. There should be something like {!! view('Chatify::layouts.listItem', ['get' => 'users', 'lastMessage' => $lastMessage]) !!} but I'm not sure where to get the $lastmessage from.
  1. I see nothing is missing there! if Im not correct then please correct me.
  2. You should get it from the controller itself