
ERROR: Error CreateFile! failed with error code 5 as follows:

adiantek opened this issue · 1 comments

            newflasher.exe v52 by Munjeni @ 2017/2020

Determining available free space by GetDiskFreeSpaceEx:

  Available space to caller    = 279318 MB
  Total space on current drive = 1907599 MB
  Free space on drive          = 279318 MB

Optional step! Type 'y' and press ENTER if you need GordonGate flash driver, or type 'n' to skip.
This creates GordonGate driver installer in the same dir with newflasher.exe!
Device path: \\?\usb#vid_0fce&pid_b00b#5&2aa56d36&0&6#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Class Description: SOMC Flash Device
Device Instance Id: USB\VID_0FCE&PID_B00B\5&2AA56D36&0&6

ERROR: Error CreateFile! failed with error code 5 as follows:
Access is denied.

Press any key to continue . . .

I ran this as administrator and I've this error.

I closed flashtool64 and it helped, thanks