
Path separators in target output.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Has outputting to sub-directories in the build directory been considered?


This would be trivial to implement in muon, the main problem being that relying on it would make your build incompatible with meson. I have been toying with the idea of adding an option like -Dmuon_extensions=enabled or something that would let you experiment, but I would discourage projects from relying on it.

I'm actually way less ideological about things than the core meson people (particularly jpakkane), but my hands are tied as long as muon is subordinate to meson. Even if muon magically became the primary meson implementation, unless it was that the vast majority of people were using muon exclusively I wouldn't want to make this kind of change due to potentially fracturing the community.

I do wonder though if muon does budge on some long-standing issues with poor motivation like this, would it help force the meson team to budge? 🤔.

Unlike some of the items listed here, this would not be breaking mesons compatibility. Removing the check appears to have no consequence.


True, although unlike the things mentioned in, if you relied on this, your project would no longer build with meson.

OK sorry. I figured some of those were breaking changes but I suppose not. In any case, thanks for the feedback.

Wrong close tag.