
InitialMessage is always in English

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After "save" the language selection, the dlgFirstTimeInitialMessage remains in English.


If "No" is selected for dlgFirstTimeInitialMessage, the following file is created. The settings in this file seem to read English strings, not Japanese.

youtube-dl-gui.ini :


In this ini, the main window in Japanese is displayed.

youtube-dl-gui.ini :


After selecting Japanese and going through all the Initial Messages, the main window is in English. It seems that a re-start program is required for displaying other language. Or re-select the language. So, After the ini with only LanguageFile=Japanese is created, it is re-started and moves to the initial message, which seems to be a good.

The way that languages are handled (currently, i'm thinking about ways to change it) is that language files can be any name so it is difficult to figure out the language for the user. It would be easy to detect the culture string (ex: en-us) for the language and select the file, but I do not have the time to put this change into motion right now.