Spring Boot auto-configuration for integration with
- P6Spy - adds ability to intercept and log sql queries, including interception of a most
methods invocations - Datasource Proxy - adds ability to intercept all queries and
method calls - FlexyPool - adds connection pool metrics (jmx, codahale, dropwizard) and flexible strategies for adjusting pool size on demand
- Spring Cloud Sleuth - library for distributed tracing, if found in classpath enables jdbc connections and queries tracing (only with p6spy or datasource-proxy)
Instead of using the library you can manually wrap your DataSource
, but this library also provides
- ability to use
provided by Spring Boot (spring.datasource.hikari.*
) - disabling decorating by deployment property
- configure proxies through spring properties
and customize proxies by defining beans in the spring context - integration with Spring Cloud Sleuth
Add one of the starters to the classpath of a Spring Boot application and your datasources (auto-configured or custom) will be wrapped into one of a datasource proxy providers below.
If you want to use P6Spy
or Datasource Proxy:
or FlexyPool
To use FlexyPool with connection pool different than HikariCP you must add
for your particular connection pool.
You can use all decorators at the same time if you need, if so decorating order will be:
P6DataSource -> ProxyDataSource -> FlexyPoolDataSource -> DataSource
After adding p6spy starter you'll start getting all sql queries in the logs:
2017-06-07 21:42:08.120 INFO 5456 --- [ool-1-worker-57] p6spy : #1496860928120 | took 0ms | statement | connection 0|SELECT NOW()
2017-06-07 21:51:07.802 INFO 5456 --- [ool-1-worker-50] p6spy : #1496861467802 | took 0ms | statement | connection 1|SELECT NOW()
2017-06-07 21:51:07.803 INFO 5456 --- [ool-1-worker-43] p6spy : #1496861467803 | took 0ms | statement | connection 2|SELECT NOW()
2017-06-07 21:51:08.806 INFO 5456 --- [ool-1-worker-36] p6spy : #1496861468806 | took 0ms | statement | connection 3|SELECT NOW()
All beans of type JdbcEventListener
are registered in P6Spy:
public JdbcEventListener myListener() {
return new JdbcEventListener() {
public void onAfterGetConnection(ConnectionInformation connectionInformation, SQLException e) {
System.out.println("got connection");
public void onAfterConnectionClose(ConnectionInformation connectionInformation, SQLException e) {
System.out.println("connection closed");
This done by adding RuntimeListenerSupportFactory
into P6Spy modulelist
, overriding this property will cause to not registering factory thus listeners will not be applied
You can configure small set of parameters in your application.properties
# Register P6LogFactory to log JDBC events
# Use com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MultiLineFormat instead of com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat
# Use logging for default listeners [slf4j, sysout, file, custom]
# Log file to use (only with logging=file)
# Class file to use (only with logging=custom). The class must implement com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FormattedLogger
# Custom log format, if specified com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.CustomLineFormat will be used with this log format
Also you can configure P6Spy manually using one of available configuration methods. For more information please refer to the P6Spy Configuration Guide
After adding datasource-proxy starter you'll start getting all sql queries in the logs with level DEBUG
and slow sql queries with level WARN
2017-06-07 21:58:06.630 DEBUG 8492 --- [ool-1-worker-57] n.t.d.l.l.SLF4JQueryLoggingListener :
Name:, Time:0, Success:True
Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0
Query:["SELECT NOW()"]
2017-06-07 21:58:06.630 DEBUG 8492 --- [ool-1-worker-43] n.t.d.l.l.SLF4JQueryLoggingListener :
Name:, Time:0, Success:True
Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0
Query:["SELECT NOW()"]
2017-06-07 21:58:06.630 DEBUG 8492 --- [ool-1-worker-50] n.t.d.l.l.SLF4JQueryLoggingListener :
Name:, Time:0, Success:True
Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0
Query:["SELECT NOW()"]
2017-06-07 22:10:50.478 WARN 8492 --- [pool-1-thread-1] n.t.d.l.logging.SLF4JSlowQueryListener :
Name:, Time:0, Success:False
Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0
Query:["SELECT SLEEP(301000)"]
You can add custom QueryExecutionListener
by registering them in the context, as well you can override ParameterTransformer
, QueryTransformer
and ConnectionIdManager
public QueryExecutionListener queryExecutionListener() {
return new QueryExecutionListener() {
public void beforeQuery(ExecutionInfo execInfo, List<QueryInfo> queryInfoList) {
public void afterQuery(ExecutionInfo execInfo, List<QueryInfo> queryInfoList) {
public ParameterTransformer parameterTransformer() {
return new MyParameterTransformer();
public QueryTransformer queryTransformer() {
return new MyQueryTransformer();
public ConnectionIdManagerProvider connectionIdManagerProvider() {
return MyConnectionIdManager::new;
You can configure logging, query/slow query listeners and more using your application.properties
# One of logging libraries (slf4j, jul, common, sysout)
# Logger name to log all queries, default depends on chosen logging, e.g. net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.logging.SLF4JQueryLoggingListener
# Number of seconds to consider query as slow and log it
# Enable Query Metrics
If the flexy-pool-spring-boot-starter
is added to the classpath your datasource will be wrapped to the FlexyPoolDataSource
With default setting you will start getting messages about acquiring and leasing connections:
2017-07-13 01:31:02.575 INFO 5432 --- [ool-1-worker-50] c.v.flexypool.FlexyPoolDataSource : Connection leased for 1500 millis, while threshold is set to 1000 in dataSource FlexyPoolDataSource
2017-07-13 01:31:03.143 WARN 5432 --- [ool-1-worker-51] PoolOnTimeoutConnectionAcquiringStrategy : Connection was acquired in 1502 millis, timeoutMillis is set to 500
2017-07-13 01:31:03.143 INFO 5432 --- [ool-1-worker-51] PoolOnTimeoutConnectionAcquiringStrategy : Pool size changed from previous value 10 to 11
You can declare bean MetricsFactory
and besides of JMX metrics will be exported to the metrics provider and to the logs:
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=HISTOGRAM, name=concurrentConnectionRequestsHistogram, count=4, min=0, max=1, mean=0.5, stddev=0.5, median=1.0, p75=1.0, p95=1.0, p98=1.0, p99=1.0, p999=1.0
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=HISTOGRAM, name=concurrentConnectionsHistogram, count=4, min=0, max=1, mean=0.5, stddev=0.5, median=1.0, p75=1.0, p95=1.0, p98=1.0, p99=1.0, p999=1.0
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=HISTOGRAM, name=maxPoolSizeHistogram, count=1, min=10, max=10, mean=10.0, stddev=0.0, median=10.0, p75=10.0, p95=10.0, p98=10.0, p99=10.0, p999=10.0
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=HISTOGRAM, name=overflowPoolSizeHistogram, count=0, min=0, max=0, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, median=0.0, p75=0.0, p95=0.0, p98=0.0, p99=0.0, p999=0.0
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=HISTOGRAM, name=retryAttemptsHistogram, count=0, min=0, max=0, mean=0.0, stddev=0.0, median=0.0, p75=0.0, p95=0.0, p98=0.0, p99=0.0, p999=0.0
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=TIMER, name=connectionAcquireMillis, count=2, min=0.0, max=39.0, mean=19.5, stddev=19.5, median=39.0, p75=39.0, p95=39.0, p98=39.0, p99=39.0, p999=39.0, mean_rate=0.07135042014375073, m1=0.02490778899904623, m5=0.006288975787638508, m15=0.002179432534806779, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=TIMER, name=connectionLeaseMillis, count=2, min=3.0, max=7.0, mean=5.0, stddev=2.0, median=7.0, p75=7.0, p95=7.0, p98=7.0, p99=7.0, p999=7.0, mean_rate=0.07135743555785098, m1=0.02490778899904623, m5=0.006288975787638508, m15=0.002179432534806779, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds
2017-07-13 02:07:04.265 INFO 5432 --- [rter-1-thread-1] c.v.f.metric.codahale.CodahaleMetrics : type=TIMER, name=overallConnectionAcquireMillis, count=2, min=0.0, max=39.0, mean=19.5, stddev=19.5, median=39.0, p75=39.0, p95=39.0, p98=39.0, p99=39.0, p999=39.0, mean_rate=0.07135462550886962, m1=0.02490778899904623, m5=0.006288975787638508, m15=0.002179432534806779, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds
All beans of type ConnectionAcquiringStrategyFactory
are used to provide ConnectionAcquiringStrategy
for the pool.
and ConnectionProxyFactory
beans can be used to customize metrics and connection decorators.
EventListener<? extends Event>
beans can be registered to subscribe on events of flexy-pool (e.g. ConnectionAcquireTimeThresholdExceededEvent
, ConnectionLeaseTimeThresholdExceededEvent
You can configure your FlexyPoolDataSource
by using bean FlexyPoolConfigurationBuilderCustomizer
or properties:
# Increments pool size if connection acquire request has timed out
# Retries on getting connection
# Enable metrics exporting to the JMX
# Millis between two consecutive log reports
# Enable logging and publishing ConnectionAcquireTimeThresholdExceededEvent when a connection acquire request has timed out
# Enable logging and publishing ConnectionLeaseTimeThresholdExceededEvent when a connection lease has exceeded the given time threshold
# Creates span for every connection and query. Works only with p6spy or datasource-proxy.
# Specify traces that will be created in zipkin
decorator.datasource.sleuth.include=connection, query, fetch
P6Spy or Datasource Proxy allows to create spans on various jdbc events:
- opening connection including events for commits and rollbacksjdbc:/<dataSource>/query
- executing query including sql text and number of affected rows in the tagsjdbc:/<dataSource>/fetch
- fetching result set data including number of rows in the tags
Custom data source decorators are supported through declaring beans of type DataSourceDecorator
public DataSourceDecorator customDecorator() {
return (beanName, dataSource) -> new DataSourceWrapper(dataSource);
If you want to disable decorating set decorator.datasource.exclude-beans
with bean names you want to exclude or set decorator.datasource.enabled
to false
if you want to disable all decorators for all datasources.