
[MU4 Issue] -f option not working

00sapo opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Option -f is ignored with musescore 4.0.1 (don't know about previous versions)

To Reproduce

  • Download attached
  • mv test.mxl (needed because github doesn't let me attach mxl files)
  • mscore -fo test.mid test.mxl

Expected behavior
Produce test.mid without GUI interruptions. It instead creates the dialog saying that the file is corrupted and asking if it should continue opening it.

Platform information
-OS: Linux Manjaro (Arch-based)
-Musescore version: Manjaro repository 4.0.1 and AppImage 4.0.1 tested

Eism commented

try mscore -f -o test.mid test.mxl

Doesn't work. It works with 3.6.2

00sapo commented

Any news about this?

Is it still broken in the latest nightly build (

00sapo commented

Tested and it has the same issue: it opens a gui popup asking confirmation because the file has some issue (it was prepared using Final). If -f is used, it should just convert it...

Greetings @Eism @cbjeukendrup @00sapo My initial analysis why it works in 3.6.2 and doesn't in MuseScore 4.x version is due to the following:

During the start, we set that the task is going to be noGui so when we check here, this should come as true and give no error in the file.

On the other hand, master:-

We are doing something similar but this time the property is RunMode::ConsoleApp which makes the condition false and executes line 201 which is the Dialog Box.

I think a better solution would be to propagate the forceMode information downstream from MusicXmlReader::read till doValidateAndImport function of importxml to decide beforehand to validate or not. Let me know what is your take on this? happy to take this issue :)