console.js is a small javascript library, fix console is undefined, like html5shim and reset.css.
In ie6 ie7,console is undefined. In ie8 ie9, first open the developer tools before, console is undefined.
Insert the following before the first script code, that's it, so easy.
<script src="console.js"></script>
##support commond
- assert
- clear
- count
- debug
- dir
- dirxml
- exception
- error
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- info
- log
- profile
- profileEnd
- table
- time
- timeEnd
- timeStamp
- trace
- warn
##Related projects
##Copyright and license
Copyright© 2013 yanhaijing. All Rights Reserved
Licensed under the MIT-LICENSE; you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT