A Feature rich API wrapper for Disney+ made with python.
Library was tested on following versions, however feel free to try different ones.
pip install pysubs2==1.6.1
pip install m3u8==3.6.0
pip install requests
from DisneyAPI import DisneyAPI
api = DisneyAPI(email="email", password="password")
searches = api.search("Star wars")
print(searches[0].title) # prints title of the first search hit
from DisneyAPI import DisneyAPI
from models.HitType import HitType
from models.Language import Language
from models.Rating import Rating
# forces to use Disney's login api instead of cached access and refresh tokens
# sets proxies
api = DisneyAPI(email="email", password="password", proxies={}, force_login=True)
profileId = api.get_profiles()[0].id # grabs the first profile's id
print(api.set_active_profile(profileId)) # if profile is locked, pass pin as an argument
api.set_language(Language.POLISH) # sets language to Polish, from now all data will be returned in that language
searches = api.search("Star wars", rating=Rating.AGE9PLUS)
# checks if the search hit is a series or a movie
if searches[0].type == HitType.SERIES:
# prints s01e01's full description
if searches[0].type == HitType.MOVIE:
print(searches[0].length) # returns in milliseconds
from models.ProgramType import MovieType, SeriesType
# Search by program type
# or
# by default download path is downloads/
search = api.search_movies("star wars")[0]
subs = search.subtitles
for sub in subs:
if sub.language == "pl":
search = api.search_series("marvel")[0].get_seasons()[0].get_episodes()[0]
audios = search.audio_tracks
for audio in audios:
if audio.language == "pl":
audio.download(name="name", quality="max") # allowed max or min, feel free to make a PR to add custom ones
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project can only be used for educational purposes. Using this software for malicious intent is illegal, and any damages from misuse of this software will not be the responsibility of the author.