
Have the stylesheet ouput to "dev" version

lpugin opened this issue · 8 comments

Have the stylesheet ouput to "dev" version

could you explain what you're meaning?

The general plan is to have the XSLT generating pieces of the documentation (element descriptions, attribute description, etc) on each commit. (The narrative will be in markdown.) This needs to go to a "dev" version of the guidelines, and not "v3", or "v4". Once we make a release, then "dev" is replaced by hand to "vX", and "dev" continues to be updated for the next version. No idea where this is define, but the MD header in the generated files must be

version: "dev"

(and not "v3") and the destination folder ./dev/ (and not ./v3)

ok, at the moment the MD header information is dynamically being filled by the XSLT using a global variable:

<xsl:variable name="plain.version" select="'v' || substring-before(//tei:classSpec[@ident = ('att.meiversion','att.meiVersion')]//tei:defaultVal/text(),'.')" as="xs:string"/>

i.e. it pulls the default value for @mei.version.

Same is true for the output-folder.
I can change that though ;-)
assign me!

I already started to work on this one. I'll let you know if I fail - which is quite likely ;-)

What would be helpful is if you could put a canonicalized4.0.0.xml in the ./tools directory

@bwbohl : could you point me to what in the XSLT is generating this file ? I cannot find it...

I pushed some changes where the output directory are nearly fixed. The problem remains with the chapter files (comment above) which are still generated in ./dev/guidelines/ of ./_guidelines-dev/`. It means that the files needs to be moved by hand for now. (Once we drop the TEI guidelines we can also remove all this from the XSLT so it is not absolutely necessary to fix it.)

I am closing it for now. What will be necessary is a good cleanup of the XSLT once we have removed the guidelines narrative in TEI