
Shifted notes in second layer in Carnival of Animals example work

craigsapp opened this issue · 0 comments

In the file:

Measure 27 contains a second layer for the last three quarter notes of the measure in the bottom staff:

screen shot 2017-11-12 at 7 11 18 pm

In the MEI encoding these three notes are shifted back in time. The first note is placed in the previous measure (measure 26) with some zero-duration space element in front of it:

<layer n="2">
        <space xml:id="d1e15622"/>
        <space xml:id="d1e15627"/>
        <space xml:id="d1e15632"/>
        <space xml:id="d1e15637"/>
        <space xml:id="d1e15642"/>
        <space xml:id="d1e15647"/>
        <note xml:id="d1e15652" pname="e" oct="3" dur="4" stem.dir="down"/>

In measure 27, there are only two notes and they are at the start of layer 2 rather than pushed to the end of the measure with space(s):

<layer n="2">
        <note xml:id="d1e16182" pname="d" oct="3" dur="4" stem.dir="down"/>
        <note xml:id="d1e16196" pname="b" oct="2" dur="4" stem.dir="down"/>

Here is the resulting rendering in verovio:

screen shot 2017-11-12 at 7 20 48 pm