
How to use this and what does this does exactly?

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How to use this and what does this does exactly?

The purpose of this library is to use in another source generator. Has helpers for doing attributes.
So the source generator can produce the attributes more easily. Has various functions that determine what gets generated. If you would like a sample, I can send a link to a sample source generator that actually use this.

Thanks for replying so fast, and yes I think an example may be helpful

A good example of a source generator that uses this is this one.

This one will generate json files. Uses this so that source generator will produce attributes.
Means instead of having to manually type in the strings for attributes, it uses this one as a helper for generating attributes.

Another source generator that uses this library is this one.

The purpose of that source generator is to generate source for another source generator. I have not found a way to use nuget packages in a source generator. However, its able to use nuget packages when it generates source code. That one generates the common libraries that the source generator would need to use. Even this one is intended to have a source generator write code for another source generator.

Here is a third one that uses this library as well.

Which focuses on extensions for mapping objects and cloning as well.
Since that source generator produces attributes, then this one helps produce the attributes.