
Include view precompilation

richardszalay opened this issue · 6 comments

Precompiling razor views can improve startup performance and using RazorGenerator.MsBuild it has a negligible impact on build performance. What are your thoughts on including it OOTB?

This should also be added to the templates added via #25

Last time I used precompiled razor views it caused a lot more issues than it was worth, have you used them before? They could be more reliable now as this was over a year ago

Using the out of the build compilation (aspnet_compiler.exe), I'd agree.

RazorGenerator.MsBuild takes a different approach by generating .cs file as part of the build (if they've changed since the last build), and including the compiled views in the main assembly.

Ok cool let's look into it!

I use RazorGenerator.MsBuild on a client project and it's saved my bacon a few times!

I'll get this added at some point, have been working with RazorGenerator.MsBuild also with good results, especially for PaaS startup times

Added, finally :) da3769a