
Intellisense in Razor views

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Since updating to the SDK project format helpers such as Html.Sitecore() will throw an error:

IHtmlHelper does not contain a definition for Sitecore

Is there a workaround for this? IntelliSense is something I can deal with but because razor precompiles on build it prevents projects from building. This makes creating SXA components pretty much impossible because you cannot use the decorators.

The workaround for now would be to use the non sdk project format and update the packages to 9.3...

It seems the new project format doesn't play well with the Sitecore helpers

Is this issue related the below observation?
With the latest Helixbase project, using Sitecore Rocks Visual Studio Add Item Templates are not possible. Reason may be the Helixbase projects are .Net Core Web projects and only Razor views allowed (??) .

Hi @nehemiahj yes it will be the same issue, I'll create a branch for a none sdk version of Helix Base 9.3 when I can

To resolve this, I have added a branch for the old csproj project format