
A full-stack Solana dApp built with native Rust and NextJS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Full-stack Solana DApp - README

Welcome to the Full-stack Solana DApp project repository! This decentralized application (DApp) leverages blockchain technology to implement a movie review platform on the Solana network. Participants can rate a movie by sharing its title, description and the location information.

Table of Contents


  • Publish movie review
  • Update an existing movie review
  • Security-related implementations such as rating validations and checking the PDA accounts

Getting Started

/program folder contains all the files that needed to build and deploy our Solana program to Solana Devnet. /frontend folder contains all the files and folders for building and serving our frontend application.


  1. NPM
  2. Program ID given from the Solana Playground after deploying the program (can be found from the Solana Explorer by using the used wallet address.)


Solana Program Deployment

  1. Navigate to soldev
  2. Import the files in the program folder to the playground compiler
  3. Make sure you're connected to Devnet with a wallet that has a SOL balance for the deployment (go to faucet for free SOL airdrop)
  4. Navigate to Build & Deploy tab to build and deploy your program
  5. After a successful deployment, copy the Program ID from the Build & Deploy page

Front-end Build

  1. Clone the repository:
  git clone https://github.com/mustafademiray/restaurant_review_program.git
  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:
  cd frontend
  1. Install required npm packages:
 npm install


  1. Navigate to /frontend/src/pages/index.tsx and replace the Program ID we have got from the Playground.

  2. Start the development server:

 npm start
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the DApp.

  2. Connect your Solana wallet (e.g., Phantom, Backpack) to the DApp.

  3. Enter the relevant information for submitting a movie review.


The files in the ./program directory contains the following three files:

  • instruction.rs: Contains an implementation of the program logic to select the correct instruction.
  • state.rs: Helps us accessing the data types and data itself on the Solana account, basically keeps the current state.
  • lib.rs: Configures the entrypoint of our program and processes the returned instruction.


Contributions to this project are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature/bug fix.
  3. Make changes and test thoroughly.
  4. Commit with clear and concise messages.
  5. Push changes to your fork.
  6. Submit a pull request describing your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.