Can I use this with a masked button?
sdevo619 opened this issue · 1 comments
I am setting my button image to a gradient image and masking the actual button image over it, but have found that when using this process it is not showing the badge button indicator anymore. As soon as I change it back to as non masked style button it works just fine. Is there a way to use a masked button and not loose the indicator?? I can obviously use a UIView for this if necessary, but wanted to ask if you may have a solution before I went that route????
Also, completely unrelated to the first issue, just FYI the way you have your POD setup, it forces cocoa pods to download the full version of this with every single update. Not sure if this is intended, but seems to be completely unnecessary as if there is an update it will download it automagically. Keep up the great work!!! Thank you!!!
Where you ever able to figure out how to make MIBadgeButton work properly with a masked button???