
UI issues

danieltigse opened this issue · 3 comments

Tested on Iphone 6

simulator screen shot mar 13 2017 3 47 45 pm

After I search for a country, iPhone 6

simulator screen shot mar 13 2017 3 47 57 pm

Hi! there's not enough info here to help debug. Could you provide some code or a sample?

i am facing same UI issue with the library. See the attached screen shots:-

Hi danieltigse,

You could put below code for your above problem..

        if countryData.count > 0, let dialCode = countryData[0]["dial_code"] {
            country = MICountry(name: displayName!, code: countryCode, dialCode: countryData[0]["dial_code"]!)
        //else {
           // country = MICountry(name: displayName!, code: countryCode, dialCode: "-")
       // }