
How does it work with jotai?

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Is it possible to somehow bridge jotai's atom to use-travel?

Currently, use-travel does not support this; it's a special jotai atom. In fact, Immer behaves the same way when used within jotai.

For example,

import { useAtom } from 'jotai'
import { atomWithMutative } from 'jotai-mutative'

const countAtom = atomWithMutative({ value: 0 })

const Counter = () => {
  const [count] = useAtom(countAtom)
  return <div>count: {count.value}</div>

However, I'm curious why use-travel needs support for jotai. It should be an independent React hook that can be used upon state initialization; it doesn't require jotai atoms.

There is currently no time travel implementation in the jotai ecosystem.

I found this current project and I looked at the source code, and I thought for a moment that it might be possible to support an initial value as a jotai atom.

I'd like to clarify that regardless of which state library you use, in fact, this hook only supports a single state, so it doesn't require state atomization.

If you have an external jotai atom, then when initializing the component's state, you can convert it into a internal state and use it as the initial state for use-travel.

You can use useEffect to listen for its changes, and when this state changes, you can sync it to jotai.

use-travel is just a React hook; perhaps what you really need is a jotai-travel lib.