
Muter run throwing segmentaion fault

Kogilapriadarsini opened this issue · 11 comments

Mac os version : 12.6
Muter version : 15
Xcode version: 14.0.1

It looks like the image upload failed. Can you please repost it?

@ZevEisenberg I am also getting the same error. Can you please help?

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 11 33 41 PM

Do either of you see anything in the muter_logs folder that's left in your project folder? Or in the Console app's crash logs?

It's all empty. @ZevEisenberg

@ZevEisenberg can it be related to admin access? I don't have admin access in my machine.., so I installed it in Users/$myusername path.. if you get any clue, please let me know

I get the same issue on my machine with the same results mentioned above. I have also tried running the demo application provided thinking that it might be an issue with my projects configuration but alas same result. Any updates or ideas on this issue? Or any more logs/insights I can provide to help get to the bottom of this?

Same problem here. It was working fine with xcode 13, but after updating to xcode 14:

Analyzing source files to find mutants which can be inserted into your project...
zsh: segmentation fault muter run

Any idea why it happens?

we suspect it has something to do with the dylib that Xcode vends and we weakly link to and hope to have it fixed in an upcoming release

could you folks please try to clone the project and run sudo make install and see if the crash still happens?

It's working
