
Windows Cygwin install issues

rekendahl opened this issue · 4 comments

@mutewinter thank you for a great setup. I just (for now) switched to it from spf13 (which I also like). Main reason for switch is that YouCompleteMe doesn't seem to work under spf13 but works here.

I have no issues installing this on my mac but would like to install it on 1) Windows 7 under cygwin and later CentOS 5/6.

When I try to run vim "+mkspell ~/.vim/spell/custom.en.utf-8.add" +PluginInstall +qall I get the following errors:

Error detected while processing /home/Robert Ekendahl/.vim/vundle.vim:
line   18:
E172: Only one file name allowed: source /home/Robert Ekendahl/.vim/vundle_plugins/ag.vim
Error detected while processing /home/Robert Ekendahl/.vim/config.vim:
line    9:
E185: Cannot find color scheme 'jellybeans'
Error detected while processing /home/Robert Ekendahl/.vim/plugins.vim:
line    3:
E172: Only one file name allowed: source /home/Robert Ekendahl/.vim/vundle_plugins/ag.vim
Press ENTER or type command to continue

It then simply installs ag.vim :-(

It would be great if this could be installed on Windows and under cygwin

I just pushed a fix (de82f62) that should work for you. It's actually not cywgin, but the space in your home folder's name.

oh! makes sense... testing now... I've been bitten by that before on this old virtual machine...

Still seeing a lot of errors. I think it's all related to the space in the path and I think it' s outside of your control. I will test on another machine with a saner userID tomorrow (need to install rake etc first).

Closing this since the original issue seems resolved. Feel free to open a new issue with any new errors.