
Rustful Log Parsing

Primary LanguageRust


Rustful Log Parsing

You will need to install rustup to use rust-nightly https://rustup.rs curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Instructions for Building and running smelt

cd smelt
cargo build --release
./target/release/smelt "2019-01-08" /Users/matthew.boatman/Desktop/loggly-2019-01-08/api-members-cart.raw out/lat_long_member_cart_2019_01_08.csv

The format is smelt "Date String" input_file_path output_file_path

The log files can be upwards of 166 GB on disk so it's best to preprocess them to get the file size down. For the hackathon we ran rg "/api/members/cart" > api-members-cart.raw on a days worth of logs.

The tool is called smelt because it turns raw logs into beautiful rusty nuggets of knowledge.