
more examples

exitstop opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, there are not enough examples and how to properly configure gogrep.
How to search recursively only by your project.

  • Only works like that:
find -name '*.go' -exec gogrep -x 'if $x != nil { $*_ }' {} \;  # Slow
  • Doesn't work as you want:
gogrep -r -x 'if $x != nil { $*_ }' #  Gives everything that is in GOROOT, but not in my project.
gogrep -r -x 'if $x != nil { $*_ }' main.go #  Gives everything that is in GOROOT, but not in my project.
gogrep -x 'if $x != nil { $*_ }' main.go # Returns found in only one file
  • Is it possible to make it work like?
grep -r "hello" # Only current dir recursively
mvdan commented

I think you're misunderstanding the point of -r; it's meant to recurse with dependencies, not with sub-packages.

If you want to query all packages under the current directory, you can just use ./... as a package argument.

It's true that more examples would be good, but I don't intend to work on that right now.

Thanks, this is exactly what I need :)

gogrep -x 'if $x != nil { $*_ }' ./...