I kind of digged the media_player
akballow opened this issue · 11 comments
Since the code already exists, is it possible to include old media_player as a disabled option for people who like the old version?
honestly, it was kinda nice to have all of the controls right there.
will need to create a controller with another addon now.
I am not planning on bringing the mediaplayer back. All the weird mappings just make it unclear on how to use it and I don't want the additional maintenance.
Which parts of the mediaplayer approach did you specifically like over the multiple entity approach?
(I assume it is one card in the dashboards, but that is just my guess)
yes, one element to control most of the settings was nice, but there's definitely ways to bring all of that control back. my current quick and dirty fix is basically:
type: conditional
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
state: 'off'
type: entities
- number.sync_box_brightness
- select.sync_box_entertainment_area
- select.sync_box_hdmi_input
- select.sync_box_intensity
- select.sync_box_sync_mode
obviously there are cleaner ways to implement this in lovelace but I haven't spent the time to do so yet
How I have implemented this is using a Button card with a tap action as a popup. Here is my code in case it is useful. Personally I prefer this to the media_player entity so glad I was forced to make it.
show_name: true
show_icon: false
type: button
action: fire-dom-event
service: browser_mod.popup
browser_id: this
type: entities
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
- entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Sync
- entity: switch.sync_box_dolby_vision_compatibility
name: Dolby Vision
- entity: select.sync_box_led_indicator
name: LED Indicator
- entity: select.sync_box_intensity
name: Light Intensity
- entity: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
name: HDMI Input
- entity: select.sync_box_entertainment_area
name: Entertainment Area
- entity: select.sync_box_sync_mode
name: Sync Mode
- entity: number.sync_box_brightness
name: Brightness
show_header_toggle: false
entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Sync Box
Yeah, ideally someone would make a dedicated card for this or a flexible "device card" where you can easily combine multiple entities of a single device in a good looking way. In theory it should not seem that complicated from looking at the code of some front end cards, but writing something is different from reading and I just don't have the time to pick this up myself for now.
For me personally the most important parts to control are power on/off the box and start/stop lightsync and to a lesser extend the brightness. I hardly ever change the other settings or they are changed automatically
For reference here are some layouts I experimented with and might give ideas on how to build something of your own.
Note that I am trying to mostly use the standard cards, but there is a lot of custom stuff out there which people use to build really fancy stuff, so this is definately not all that is possible.
Glances card
Pressing buttons toggle or cycle the entity. Cycling the select entities feels a bit janky because the updates are not instant, but otherwise works fine. It is missing brightness control
show_name: true
show_icon: true
show_state: true
type: glance
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
action: toggle
- entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Sync
action: toggle
- entity: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
name: Input
action: call-service
service: select.select_next
entity_id: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
cycle: true
- entity: select.sync_box_sync_mode
name: Mode
action: call-service
service: select.select_next
entity_id: select.sync_box_sync_mode
cycle: true
- entity: select.sync_box_intensity
name: Intensity
action: call-service
service: select.select_next
entity_id: select.sync_box_intensity
cycle: true
state_color: true
Buttons in footer
This is a basic list of entities, but with the power and lightsync buttons in the footer which looks a bit nicer I think
type: entities
- entity: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
name: HDMI Input
- entity: select.sync_box_sync_mode
name: Sync mode
- entity: select.sync_box_intensity
name: Intensity
- entity: number.sync_box_brightness
name: Brightness
type: buttons
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
- entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Light Sync
title: Sync box
show_header_toggle: false
Alternative entities
This is also just an entities card but with using the custom hui-element card. That card allows you to use cards in places where usually entity rows are used.
I used it to put a horizontal stack with 2 select entities so it takes less space. This does not look as good with the borders still around the cards and because of that does not even gain that much vertical space. Those borders can be removed with the card-mod custom card, but I don't have the patience to figure that one out.
type: entities
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
- entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Light Sync
- entity: number.sync_box_brightness
name: Brightness
- type: custom:hui-element
card_type: horizontal-stack
- type: entities
- entity: select.sync_box_sync_mode
name: Sync mode
- type: entities
- entity: select.sync_box_intensity
name: Intensity
- entity: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
name: HDMI Input
title: Sync box
show_header_toggle: false
Buttons with browermod popup
This is just a grid with a few buttons (not all filled yet) and one button to call up a "more info" dialog with all the entities. Requires the browser-mod custom integration to be installed.
square: true
type: grid
- show_name: false
show_icon: true
type: button
show_state: false
entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
action: toggle
- type: button
show_name: false
show_state: false
entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Light Sync
action: toggle
- type: markdown
content: ' '
- type: markdown
content: ' '
- show_name: false
show_icon: true
type: button
entity: light.ventilator_3
icon: mdi:dots-horizontal
action: fire-dom-event
service: browser_mod.popup
browser_id: this
type: entities
- entity: switch.sync_box_power
name: Power
- entity: select.sync_box_hdmi_input
name: HDMI Input
- entity: select.sync_box_sync_mode
name: Sync mode
- entity: select.sync_box_intensity
name: Intensity
- entity: number.sync_box_brightness
name: Brightness
- entity: switch.sync_box_light_sync
name: Light Sync
columns: 5
Any example on how to make a media card?
I use the media player entity to switch sources of the Hue Sync Box via Homekit. Therefore, I recreated the old media player functionality using the universal media player:
- platform: universal
unique_id: hue_sync_box
name: Hue Sync Box
device_class: receiver
state: switch.hue_sync_box_power
source: select.hue_sync_box_hdmi_input
source_list: select.hue_sync_box_hdmi_input|options
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.hue_sync_box_power
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.hue_sync_box_power
service: select.select_option
entity_id: select.hue_sync_box_hdmi_input
option: "{{ source }}"
I'm still kind of new to home assistant, but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to make a script for increasing/ decreasing brightness values. I want to make buttons for it. I could brute force it, and for each step, say, if the brightness is 1, make it 2, and so on, but, oof. Is there a simpler way to achieve this with the current available entities?
Hmm... I was certain that the number
entity had increment/decrement services to do that, but it seems I confused it with input_number
which does have them. Seems like a odd omission, I would suggest to request those services as a feature in Home Assistant.
Until that time you can probably do it with templates or something, but I am no expert on that. Probably better to ask on the Home Assistant forums/reddit as there probably have been people that wanted something similar (the increment/decrement of a number).
Alternatively you can install the Spook custom integration which is a "scary powerful toolbox for Home Assistant". Among a lot of other things it adds the missing increment/decrement services for the number entity (see https://spook.frenck.dev/number#decrease-value)
I am cleaning up issues and since this is not really an issue I am moving it to a discussion.