Qustion about why you add code to stop composite for xfwm
CicadaSeventeen opened this issue · 2 comments
CicadaSeventeen commented
I find xfce starts slow but mate stats much more quicker. Sometimes xfwm even fails to start. I use startxfce4
instead and find it works better. Even without -g
composite just fine, so I wonder why you add such code here.
mviereck commented
The code to disable compositing is only applied if the X server misses X extension composite. In that case xfwm4 has several compositing issues. This only happens with --nxagent
You can reproduce the issues with:
x11docker --desktop --nxagent x11docker/xfce startxfce4
You can avoid the issue with option --composite
that enables the extension in nxagent. This is not done by default because some other application have issues with it.
x11docker --desktop --nxagent --composite x11docker/xfce startxfce4
CicadaSeventeen commented