
<!DOCTYPE html> prevents pan to function at all

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I was loading your script on my project and could zoom on images but only in the x=0 y=0 coordinates, panning and dragging the image was impossible.

After several hours of testing and loading the exact same code in my index.html from the demo, I came to the conclusion that the tag was preventing the drag and pan directive to work at all, removing it seemed to fix the problem.

I don't know if this is a known bug or this limitation is on purpose since I couldn't find info about it anywhere.

Thanks for your time.

Hello Rey,
This is a bit surprising and it may be a bug. I'll have a look at reproducing it when time permits, probably in the upcoming weekend.
Best regards,

Same here !!

First off, please accept my apologies for not having looked into this until now even though I promised to do so.

Anyway, this was a bone fide bug and it has been fixed now. Consequently, the version number has been incremented to 1.0.16 in both npm and bower.

Again, apologies for my tardiness.