
[Question] Can you please upload the pickled dataset that you used for training SegLink?

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Can you please upload the pickled dataset that you used for training SegLink?

It would be great if we can just run the code first and then try to understand the pipeline. I am asking this because I am finding it difficult to understand how the data is prepared for training SegLink. I have trained object detectors before but I think I am missing a step when it comes to training text detectors. So checking your data and playing with it would definitely help me understand better the pipeline.

Thanks in advance.

You do not need the pickled data. Simply replace

with open('gt_util_synthtext_seglink.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    gt_util = pickle.load(f)


 gt_util = GTUtility('data/SynthText/', polygon=True)

The gt_util_synthtext_seglink.pkl is only to speed up the parsing of the dataset. It is serialized in datasets.ipynb and does not contain the image data itself, only filenames, bounding boxes and so on. See also #1 ...

Thanks for the quick reply. Did you get the SynthText dataset from here ?


Alright thanks!

Could someone who has generated the .pkl file PR it? I'm on a limited bandwidth network and would like to run the end2end notebook.