
Add bias-corrected, accelerated (BCa) conf. intervals

phobson opened this issue · 3 comments

I've got a class hanging around that I can easily refactor into function compatible with the existing bootstrap and ci functions. Got tests too.

Happy to submit a PR to include it.


Cool, that would be nice to have. By the way I've copied the computational parts of moss over to seaborn.algorithms to reduce dependencies, maybe you want to do the PR over here and then I'll propagate it back to moss?

I think probably the direction seaborn should go, also, is to have some higher level statistics objects with a uniform API so that you can specify how to compute/represent uncertainty without having to deal with handfuls of arguments about it in each plotting function.

Not completely sure what that will look like yet, though.

Cool. I'll move this over to seaborn (eventually).