
Day 2 of Lambda School's Machine Learning Mini Bootcamp

Lambda School Machine Learning Mini Bootcamp Day 2

  1. What is ML
  • Simple arithmetic applied in great quantities
  • Programming
  • Simple (and advanced) calculus
  • Linear algebra always
  1. What are the basic tools of ML programming
  • Numerical programming languages:
    • Python
    • R
    • Matlab/Octave
    • Javascript? All the others, too!
  • What are the important requirements of ML languages:
    • Swift data manipulation
    • Robust data APIs
    • Speed
    • Platform independence
  1. Where are ML tools going
  • Design local
  • Share live code and documentation
  • Run remote
  1. Setting up python
  • Local
  • pipenv
  • colaboratory
  • Jupyter
  • Important libs


Create yourname_day_2_mlmbc.py. It must print the result of 54321 * 12345. Deliver it to me via pull request.