
FreeCAD Link Branch LinkDaily

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I use the following version of FreeCAD:

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 2022.1128.26244 +5318 (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: LinkDaily
Hash: d45d221edcc7a757eb4e4eb638da0db5ed2759aa
Python version: 3.10.8
Qt version: 5.15.4
Coin version: 4.0.1
OCC version: 7.6.3
Locale: German/Switzerland (de_CH)

I always geht the following error-message. It doesn't matter which joint I use.

18:00:33 Traceback (most recent call last):
File "//.../Roaming/FreeCAD/Macro/Joint.FCMacro", line 1303, in
File "//...AppData/Roaming/FreeCAD/Macro/Joint.FCMacro", line 1187, in makeObject
File "", line 16, in init
<class 'RuntimeError'>: Property Unnamed#Joint.AddSubType already exists
18:00:33 1644.75 Document.cpp(4327): Failed to recompute Unnamed#Body: Tip shape is empty
18:00:33 Recompute failed! Please check report view.

It is written: "The shape is empty".

Thanks for your support.

I guess RT has add a property of that same name "AddSubType". I have removed it from Joint object types. This property was only used for information to the user, so removing should not affect anything. Please update and test. Latest version: 0.2022.12.21

Thanks. This is amazing how fast you solved it. Thanks!
It works perfectly.
Have a nice day!