
Does JSCH support JDK17

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I was seeing this error "reject HostKey: [localhost]:2022" when upgrading to OPEN JDK17.

But I did not face this issue when using OEPN JDK11.

Nothing changed beside the JDK version.

Could you please kindly give me some clue on this issue?


And I enabled config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "yes");

This host key I was using equals to the known host key in server side.

Update findings:

if (JavaVersion.getVersion() >= 15) {
  config.put("keypairgen.eddsa", "com.jcraft.jsch.jce.KeyPairGenEdDSA");
  config.put("ssh-ed25519", "com.jcraft.jsch.jce.SignatureEd25519");
  config.put("ssh-ed448", "com.jcraft.jsch.jce.SignatureEd448");
} else {
  config.put("keypairgen.eddsa", "com.jcraft.jsch.bc.KeyPairGenEdDSA");
  config.put("ssh-ed25519", "com.jcraft.jsch.bc.SignatureEd25519");
  config.put("ssh-ed448", "com.jcraft.jsch.bc.SignatureEd448");

May I know why the ed25519 / ed448 were removed which caused the known hosts failure finally if using JDK15+?

Hi @cswhwang,

EdDSA is only supported natively in Java 15+ (see JEP 339 / JDK-8199231).
We attempt to support EdDSA via Bouncy Castle for older Java versions assuming that Bouncy Castle is found in the classpath.

If you are having problems with Java 15+, then you will need to provide us full JSch logs to better assist you.


Thank you @norrisjeremy. This is very helpful. My issue with JDK17 has been resolved.