Bank Account Service Project

This project simulates a simple Bank Account Service, allowing users to interact with a bank account through a web interface. Users can check their balance, deposit money, and withdraw money within predefined limits. The backend is built with vanilla Python using the http.server module, while the frontend is developed with basic HTML and JavaScript. This document details the setup, functionality, and testing approach of the project.


The backend server is a lightweight HTTP server written in Python. It provides REST API endpoints for three primary operations: viewing the account balance, depositing money, and withdrawing money. The server does not require authentication.

Running the Server

  1. Ensure Python 3 is installed on your system.
  2. Save the server code in a file named
  3. Run the server using the command: python3
  4. The server will start on localhost at port 8000.


  • GET /balance: Fetches the current account balance.
  • POST /deposit: Deposits a specified amount into the account. The request body should be JSON, e.g., {"amount": 50000}.
  • POST /withdraw: Withdraws a specified amount from the account. Similar to deposit, the request body should contain the amount.

Transaction Limits

  • Maximum deposit per transaction: Ksh. 40,000.
  • Maximum deposit per day: Ksh. 150,000.
  • Maximum deposit transactions per day: 4.
  • Maximum withdrawal per transaction: Ksh. 20,000.
  • Maximum withdrawal per day: Ksh. 50,000.
  • Maximum withdrawal transactions per day: 3.
  • Withdrawals cannot exceed the current balance.


There are two frontends available:

  • One frontend is a simple HTML page with JavaScript that interacts with the backend via AJAX requests. It provides a user-friendly interface for the account operations.
  • The second frontend is under the which is created using the tkinter module.


  • View Balance: Users can see their current account balance.
  • Deposit Money: Users can input an amount to deposit into their account.
  • Withdraw Money: Users can input an amount to withdraw from their account.

Running the Frontend

1.Frontend One

  • Open the bank.html file in a web browser to access the frontend.
  • Ensure the backend server is running as the frontend needs to communicate with it.
  1. Frontend Two
  • Install tkinter using the command sudo apt-get install python-tk.
  • Run the file while the backend server is running as the two need to communicate.


Backend Tests

The backend functionality is tested using Python's unittest framework. Tests are designed to verify that the API endpoints behave as expected under various conditions.

  • Test Setup: Each test case starts with setting up a connection to the backend server.
  • Test Cases: Include testing each endpoint for success responses and handling errors, such as exceeding transaction limits.
  • Running Tests: Tests can be executed by running python3 with the backend server running.

Frontend Tests

Frontend testing is manual, involving interactions with the web interface to ensure that the frontend correctly displays balance information and handles deposit and withdrawal operations.


This Bank Account Service project demonstrates a basic full-stack application with a Python backend and an HTML/JavaScript frontend and vanilla python GUI. It showcases REST API design, handling HTTP requests in Python, and interacting with a backend server using AJAX in the frontend. The project includes basic transaction validation and unit tests for the backend.