
Related with: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/issues/5305

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a Sails v1 application

Related with: balderdashy/sails#5305


  • io.socket always returns defaultLocale instead of browser language

How to reproduce this problem:

  • look what's your prefered browser language and then setup some another in i18n.js as defaultLocale (not identical with your browser language)


  • both values in first two rows should be the same because they are obtained from the same page - but they are different if defaultLocale is not same as prefered Accept-Language :/

Changes in code:

  • /api/controllerss/http.js
  • /api/controllerss/ajax.js
  • /config/i18n.js
  • /config/routes.js
  • /views/layouts/layout.ejs
  • /views/pages/homepage.ejs
  • /assets/dependencies/jquery.min.js
  • /assets/images/czech-results.png

Life cycle of app:

  • http get '/'
    - returns ejs value on HP via action:

    exits: {
      success: {
        viewTemplatePath: 'pages/homepage'
    fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
      return exits.success( { lang: this.req.getLocale() } );
  • $(document).ready(function(){ io.socket.post('/', {}, function(ret){ $('#socket-response').html("'" + ret.lang + "'"); }); });

    - returns json via action:

    exits: {
      succsess: {
        statusCode: 200,
        responseType: 'jsonResponse'
    fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
      return exits.success({lang: this.req.getLocale()});

This app was originally generated on Thu May 09 2019 07:40:44 GMT+0200 (Central Europe Daylight Time) using Sails v1.1.0.