
Additional nice-to-have

Opened this issue · 4 comments

2 things that would be nice to have in a next version:

  • ability to have the shutdown button visible in the login screen (GUI) as enabled by policy "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on"
  • Guest drivers (in my case, Virtual Box extensions) already installed in the machine.



Simple additions to the wishlist (for VBox):

  • Adding a CD-ROM device (makes it easier to install guest additions)
  • Setting video ram 36MB (gets rid of warning)
    Not so simple, but also nice:
  • If Guest Additions are installed, select virtio drivers for disk and network.

(I will try to do some PR as time permits).

I understand ICH9 is a more modern chipset than the default but I'm curious if there are things you do that require it.

Rather than install an empty DVD drive, I'd prefer to simply have the builder installguest additions. I'd break this out to a multi step process where it is initially creates a vmdk file without them that can be reused by hyper-v and then use the virtualbox-ovf builder to add the additions.

  • ICH9: I don't have any particular need for it. what I know about it comes from (under "chipset").
  • I added a PR (#6) where a DVD drive is added and the guest additions ISO is already in it. (Please note that even if you install guest additions, they will eventually become out of date, and having the DVD there makes it easier for users to update them).
  • Unfortunately I can only provide the PR for VBox as I don't currently have time to look at it from a broader perspective, but I agree that making the DVD change for both platforms would be indeed useful.