
Out of sync with the emoji cheat sheet

jagthedrummer opened this issue · 1 comments

I've found that some emoji aren't translated from Unicode to the short code correctly.

For instance 🤘 should be :metal: according to the cheat sheet, but is translated as :sign_horns: by rumoji.

In this comment you mentioned having a script to scrape the cheat sheet. It might be nice to have that script in this repo somewhere, and a method for updating the gem accordingly. I'd be happy to help with that effort if you don't mind sharing the script.

Thanks for the excellent tool!

Given the open PRs to this repository and similar issues like #32 and #38 being stale for long times now, it appears here we could do good in picking selected contributions from around the code network in, and forking this package into an updated one, incorporating available changes and newer emoji flavours.

I have found the commercial GitHub emoji :bowtie: / :bowtie: not to be available through any of the more recent forks, for example.

Update: There are similar efforts of keeping cheat sheet names and unicode code points in sync available at