
Fidget Enhancements

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Just brainstorming on enhancements for ensuring an easy user experience I have some ideas based on the current changes and updates in the nodes branch.



I'm sure most of these ideas are no brainers that are predestined due to design based contexts but I just want to make sure they are mentioned somewhere. The preset conditional could be quite useful for getting into the tool very quickly or to deal with common situations in which you would want conditionals.

the thing here is it's not really a menu, at least not in a way you think about it.
because of that, submenus cannot be created, nor the separation lines

I have an idea how I wanted to set that up, I am looking into some other problems first though

There is a template in Fidget/nodes/ on line 461

By using that and/or adjusting the node_categories list you can see the limitations with the add menu, it is possible to swap out the add menu with a custom add menu.

Adding the operator and menu nodes that could be next on the agenda would offer prop_search for operators/menus available in blender, minus those that cannot be ran in the 3d view.

thanks for the setup, I finally managed to make it work the way I wanted. #16
It's not that important, so I think we can stick with that for now