Nodes i18n The translation matcher could include __
bleuscyther opened this issue · 2 comments
bleuscyther commented
While using the popular i18n library, I discovered that I needed to specify __
in the regex.
/(?:[$ .](__))\(.*?\)/gi
Or more generally
const defaultValues = {
// ...
translationKeyMatcher: : /(?:[$ .](_|t|tc|i18nKey|__))\(.*?\)/gi,
// ...
I am leaving this here for others in the future or if people are having issues with other translation libraries.
i18n-unused is a must-have if you are doing internationalization with JS. Imprecive work mxmvshnvsk
bleuscyther commented
is not in the supported list of options for the Shell commands.
Overriding the config would look like this:
i18n-unused display-unused --locales-path src/locales --src-path src/ --translation-key-matcher '/(?:[$ .](_|t|tc|i18nKey|__))\(.*?\)/gi'
bleuscyther commented
Another suggestion, I am using ESM so the i18n-unused.config.js is not found, the module parser is expecting i18n-unused.config.cjs.
I think the config package should be allowed to be:
- json
- js
- cjs (ESM modules parsing CommonJS )