Repository of all my helm charts. Do note that I'm mostly creating these charts for myself, so caveat emptor.
Chart | Description |
cloudcmd | Cloud Commander is a file manager for the web. |
danbooru | danbooru is a booru that needs no further introduction. |
danbooru-stack | This chart combines multiple charts to form a full-featured danbooru instance. |
iqdb | iqdb is a reverse image search system. This chart is intended to be used from the danbooru-stack chart. |
podsync | podsync automatically downloads YouTube or Vimeo videos, and creates RSS feeds for notifications. |
szurubooru-client | Client component for szurubooru, a very nice image board engine. Intended to be installed alongside the server component. |
szurubooru-server | Server component for szurubooru, a very nice image board engine. Intended to be installed alongside the client component. |