
Network connect failed

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm using NodeMCU.

I tried to upload this example code from here:
File > Example > Cayenne-MQQTT-ESP > esp8266
with proper ssid[], wifiPassword[], username[], password[] and clientID[].

But the serial monitor shows:

$€ÿ�€ÿ-Süþ[765] Connecting to TechShop 2G
[18766] Connected to WiFi
[18767] IP:
[18767] Connecting to
[25060] Network connect failed
[32384] Network connect failed
[39684] Network connect failed
[47008] Network connect failed
2018-06-07 10_47_01-com23

And the dashboard shows "waiting for board to connect".
Tried your getting sarted video on youtube. Didn't work. using the same ssid and wifiPassword i was able to connect to blynk app but unable to do so with Cayenne.

That could potentially be some issue on the server side with verifying your MQTT credentials. You might try re-adding the device via the dashboard and use the new MQTT credentials to try again.

You could also try the Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino library which is a little newer and now has support for ESP8266/NodeMCU. You can install that via the Arduino Library Manager. The library is called CayenneMQTT in the Library Manager. You might need to remove the currently installed Cayenne-MQTT-ESP library and restart the Arduino IDE to prevent any possible library incompatibility issues.