
A library of constructs for Google Chrome extensions

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A library of constructs for Google Chrome extensions


  • Storage: chrome.storage.local & chrome.storage.sync
  • Notifications: chrome.notifications

How to Use

Directly from a web page

One can use chrome-extension-helper directly from a web-page by attaching script file to the DOM.

<!-- Attaching the chrome-extension-helper script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/library/chrome-extension-helper.js"></script>

<!-- Usage -->
<script type="text/javascript">

With Webpack, Browserify or RequireJS

Install chrome-extension-helper from NPM

npm install chrome-extension-helper --save-dev

Consume as an ES6 module

import * as helpers from 'chrome-extension-helper';


import helpers from 'chrome-extension-helper';


import { storage } from 'chrome-extension-helper';

Consume as a CommonJS module

var helpers = require('chrome-extension-helper');

Consume as an AMD

require(['chrome-extension-helper'], function (helpers) {
    // Consume helpers

Included wrappers

Note: The API is tentative and is very likely to change by a great degree in upcoming versions.


This wrapper around chrome.storage includes a couple of methods to make working with Chrome extension storage a little convenient.

import { storage } from 'chrome-extension-helper';

The first step should be initialization.


When there is an error accessing storage, the function onError is called with a string specifying a reason for the error.

Once the initialization is done, local or synced properties can be instantiated. Whether you create a local property or a synced property, the constructor is exactly the same but the difference lies in behavior, which is exactly the difference between chrome.storage.local and chrome.storage.sync respectively.

Below is an example of how a synced property can be created.

const colorMode = storage.createSyncedProperty(
    'color-mode', // Key used in store
    colorModes, // A set of possible values for the property
    value => {
        const bodyDom = document.body;

        bodyDom.className = bodyDom.className
            .replace(/ (light|dark)/, '')
            + ` ${value}`;

        document.querySelector('#color-mode').innerText = value;
    } // A handler to reflect a change on the UI

The above snippet creates a synced property with the supplied name in store, that can have the specified possible values and a change to the property (locally or from a different extension instance, as this is a synced property) will be automatically reflected on the UI according to the passed handler. The returned property has the following properties/methods attached:

  • name - The name of the property
  • values - An array of possible values for the property
  • set - A function that takes in a new value and a callback that is passed with the value when the update is complete
  • get - A function that is called with the current value once it is retrieved from storage
  • load (optional) - A handler that accepts a value and can handle change to the value. Currently, it is used internally to reflect changes on the UI and is not supposed to be used from external code.
  • read - A function that reads the current value of the property and loads it using the loader. Internally, it's as simple as calling a get and using the value in a load.


This wrapper around chrome.notifications currently only includes a single method for being able to create a basic notification with a title, message and an icon.

import { notifications } from 'chrome-extension-helper';

const showError = message => {
            iconUrl: 'icons/error.png',
            title: 'There was an error!',

Below are the required parameters:

  • id - This is required to create a notification, could be any unique string
  • An object containing iconUrl, title and message. Due to a limitation, the icon being used needs to be defined in the manifest file as you can see here.


  • Implement more wrappers
  • Write unit-tests