
It would be cool to parse inlines into a real nodes.

svetlyak40wt opened this issue · 2 comments

I wanted to write a code to transform CommonMark nodes to CommonDoc, but a text like ```Foo bar```` is parsed as a single ParagraphNode` and code blocks is processed only when this node is transformed to HTML.

Is it possible to parse inline elements into the CLOS objects too?


Thank you for your comment.

I feel the validity and rationality of your opinion.

Actually, I also thought about rewriting the internal data to make it easier to convert other data.

I'm dissatisfied with the current code and would like to rewrite it instead of adding and fixing it.

However, currently, I don't have the power to do it. (Caused by busy work and mental health problems.)

I'm sorry.

I wish you good health. Don't worry. I'll try another approach for a while.

If you'll decide to rewrite code in future, please, consider to generate CommonDoc nodes instead of custom. This way we will approach a synergy effect.