Launch Darkly Flag List with TypeScript React & Redux

This application grab the list of feature flags from Launch Darkly and display it on UI.

What does it include?

  • Dashboard: flag counts and bar graph for monthly flag created counts
  • Feature Flag List Table
  • Filtering the list by user name.
  • Download the list as CSV file.
  • AWS Cognito Sign In

Setting up

(1) Install modules with npm i

(2) Create a config folder at the root level

(3) Create a JSON file in the config folder with API key and Endpoint for Launch Darkly

  "token" : "<api token key",
  "apiUrl": "endpoint uri: for example -"

(4) Create aws-exports.ts in the config folder and add the appropriate values to use AWS Cognito.

const awsmobile = {
  "aws_project_region": "",
  "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "",
  "aws_cognito_region": "",
  "aws_user_pools_id": "",
  "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": ""

export default awsmobile;

It should look like this

Run & Build

Once setting up steps are done, you can run or build the app!

npm start
npm run build